January 07, 2008

It's Broken

Man oh man oh man oh man.

HOW is it possible that a day can be THIS bad THIS early?!?!?! It's only 7:15am for cryin' out loud.

I had a bad call from a VERY irate customer on my way to the Spa on Saturday. He was one pissed off puppy, let me tell you.

Well, it was Saturday. There were no calls I could make, nothing I could do. It's not like our office folks work on the weekend.

6:00 this morning. 6 o'clock in the flippin' morning it started. The phone calls.

In a nut shell? I cannot issue credit for anything that I do not have proof that it was returned. Long and short of the situation. Can't do it.

So....I'm calling the trucking company. I know it was picked up, where's the paperwork?

I'm calling corporate. If I get you the proof will you issue credit IMMEDIATELY.

I'm leaving messages for the customer........

Normally I can make things happen. It's what I do.

In this situation?...I cannot pull this out of my magic ass.

I think it might be broken.......

Posted by Tammi at January 7, 2008 07:26 AM | TrackBack

I hate it when the magic ass breaks.
Just bums out the whole day!

I hope it got better for you!

Posted by: Rave at January 7, 2008 09:11 PM
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