December 22, 2007


Sleep. What a beautiful thing. I had forgotten how wonderful it really is.

By the time I got home and finished dinner last night I was all in. Finished. Done. Exhausted.

So....I did the smart thing. For a change.

I actually, physically went to bed.

And promptly feel sound asleep.

Folks....I got 8 full hours of undisturbed sleep. Eight. Eight Full Hours.

Wow. I feel fabulous. I need to do this more often.

I have tons of energy to get through what I need to do today. I'm happy. I actually woke up with a huge smile on my face. And a song running through my mind.

The'sWoo Hoo

I've already finished cleaning up the kitchen, all while dancing thankyouverymuch. Now? I'm tackling the filing I need to finish.

Wow. This sleep stuff Rocks!!!

Posted by Tammi at December 22, 2007 07:46 AM | TrackBack

YAY! Glad to hear it! :D

Posted by: pam at December 22, 2007 09:03 AM
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