December 20, 2007

Money would be nice, but this is OK too very's so calm out there and I don't want to rock the boat.

Yesterday was a dream. Few issues, work wise, and I got so much done around the house. Two more batches of cookies made and the kitchen floor scrubbed on my hands and knees. Not to mention laundry.

When I was in this industry down in Florida this time of year Kicked My Ass. I was so busy I didn't have a moment of peace. That one year Mama Vi came to stay for the month, if it weren't for her helping me with the paperwork I'd have never survived...

But it's very different up here. Oh, orders are being placed, but not in huge amounts. The plant can keep up and things are shipping on time. Issues are coming to the surface, but the stores are giving me time to get things resolved. So I fix things but without a looming deadline, for the most part.

This is very weird. Nice - don't get me wrong - but weird.

Now, of course tomorrow will be hell on wheels. I have several appointments set and of course my boss requests a conference call smack dab in the middle of them all. And we never have short, sweet, to the point conference calls.....but I think I've worked out a plan, so that shouldn't be *too* much trouble.

But I'm kinda loving this quiet stuff. Huh. I wish I had the info on next year's line so I could use this opportunity to work ahead, but it seems that is a foreign concept around here, so I'll just improvise.

Meanwhile......this ROCKS. My cell phone didn't even have to go on the charger yesterday - and THAT is a first.

So I'm going to just keep my head down and enjoy this while it lasts. While it's not QUITE the same as a Christmas bonus, it works for me.......

Posted by Tammi at December 20, 2007 06:14 AM | TrackBack