December 14, 2007

Go Bold!!

Oops. I think I may have miscalculated. Just a bit.....

Remember when I told you I found my Christmas shower curtain? Yeah, well, it arrived the other day.

I tore that box open like some crazed kid. Really, I'm kinda glad no one was here to see that display....

Anyway - I got everything out of the package and couldn't WAIT to get it all settled.

I pulled the everyday rugs out of the bathroom and scrubbed the floor. (Can't have new Christmas stuff out on a dirty floor, for cryin' out loud...)

Ohhh the new rugs are PERFECT. So bright, and cheery. This is gonna rock!

Then, I took the everyday shower curtain down and started to put up my new treasure.

So, look at THE PICTURE for a moment, would you? It's pretty red wouldn't you say? And, while just one simple picture, it's sorta kinda busy. Well, to some folks way of thinking anyway.

Now, I'm not a very TIMID decorator. I'll go bold to make a statement. And when it comes to Christmas and Santa, I'm ALL about the statement.

Yeah. I think that is pretty clear at this point. It's the first thing you notice walking out of the kitchen.

See.....seems I may have miscalculated just a tiny little bit. I'm used to big bathrooms. Bathrooms with lots and LOTS of space. Paradise? Yeah, I'm thinkin' the best way to describe it is "functional". It's got just what a bathroom HAS to have to be called a bathroom, and nothin' else.

So all that red? And those Santa pictures? Sorta "in your face". From all the way across the house!!

A friend stopped by yesterday and when they were walkin' into the dining room all you heard was the "Oh MY!" Seems the shower curtain caught their attention before the tree did.

But here's the kicker. I LOVE IT!! I wouldn't change a thing. In fact.....the only thing missing are more Christmas towels. I'd add some garland, but experience has taught me that doesn't work so well in a room that tends to get "steamy". Yeah, not so much.

The only REAL problem? Now I want another bathroom in this place. That room turned out so well, I wanna do it again!!!

actual photos below the fold....brace yourselves....

now remember - I'm not a photographer. It there's a way to take it crooked or blurry, I'll find it.....

Here's the view when you walk out of the kitchen.....

kitchen view.jpg

Here we are "Upclose and Personal".....


Sometimes I scare even myself.........

Posted by Tammi at December 14, 2007 05:52 AM | TrackBack

HOW COOL! Seriously; it's like being at the North Pole. Here, it looks like every other day... I bet I could get into the Christmas spirit in your house, Tammi! ;)

Posted by: pam at December 14, 2007 07:52 AM

I love it! Very festive and cheery and keeps the "feeling" throughout the house.

I have some lovely Christmas towels I put in the bathroom (burgdy & white with organza overlay at the bottom and "diamonds" sewn on, love them!) with a small Christmas bear in the bath. I may have to think about a "festive" shower curtain now too!

Posted by: Lee Ann at December 14, 2007 08:25 AM

I love it too!!! (of course I have been told I am the "Xmas Queen" when it comes to decorating-lol--I mean to me there is never enough Xmas stuff around!)
When I had a house (with 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms etc etc I actually had 22 trees of varying sizes-real and fake all with a diferent theme-lol!!!-ah those were the days---I even had tress where I baked and decorated cookies with a particular theme)

Posted by: sa karin in tx at December 14, 2007 09:12 AM

Can you say overkill? There is nothing worse than someone that over decorates. :)

Posted by: Contagion at December 14, 2007 09:27 AM

....says the kettle to the pot....


Posted by: Tammi at December 14, 2007 09:31 AM

looks awesome! Though I don't know how I would feel showering with Santa... Just sayin'... ; )

Posted by: Richmond at December 15, 2007 06:10 PM


Posted by: Bou at December 15, 2007 07:24 PM
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