One thing about this time of year, but it does tend to make you look your holiday's of old, as it were.
Got me to thinkin'. I remember back about-well, many years ago, we started a "new tradition" in our family.
It was New Years Day. New Years Eve was Mama and Daddy's wedding anniversary so everyone slept in that morning.
We all gathered in the kitchen, since Mama was makin' a big holiday breakfast. As she was getting everything finished up, Daddy comes upto the table with a big ole smile on his face, carryin' our Christmas stockings.
What? Christmas is past. In fact, at our house, all the decorations came down on this very day......
Wait! There's stuff in them there stockings!!! How could this BE? Santa had already been here, and it was actually a pretty good year. We got COOL stuff on Christmas morning. Candy, toys, I even had a new notebook and pen for my "business".
And trust me, we knew we girls had not been good enough that year to warrant a 2nd visit by Santa. Hell - that was the year I broke all of Dee's fingers because she was bothering me during the annual showing of The Wizard of OZ. Yeah - the likelihood of MORE stuff from Santa was not real strong.
Well Daddy explained it all. Seems Santa has a cousin. A cousin who decided that Santa wasn't the only "good guy" in their family.
This guys name was New Years John. Like Santa he visited every home of every boy and girl, leaving presents. Depending on how good you were that year, the quality of the gift reflected that.
How Cool Is THAT?!?!?!
Uh oh. That was when it hit me....remember that broken fingers thing I mentioned earlier? Yeah, I was pretty sure Johnny Boy had heard about that......
So Daddy gives us the stockings as Mama stood in the kitchen watching. Dee got a ton of great stuff. I watched her very carefully before I snuck a peek into my stocking.
Then....I could delay no more. Ohhhh - undies. VERY cool. (I'm one of those girlie girls who has ALWAYS loved gettting undies for Christmas....)
Ahhhhh slippers. Pretty slippers. And a nightie to go with it!!! (I think we all know how I feel about jammies....)
A book? I got a book in the stocking?!?! WooHoo.
Seriously - it was wonderful. I couldn't have been happier if I had shopped for myself.
Well, that was the first year New Years John stopped by. And every year after that, he never lets us down. And yes, I still get undies. And lighters, and cigarettes. He's very good to me - I must admit.
But what a cool idea. I have no idea how Mama and Daddy met this guy, but I sure am glad they did. It just made the ENTIRE holiday season full of promise.
Yeah, John's ok by me.........
Posted by Tammi at December 13, 2007 09:44 AM | TrackBack