December 07, 2007

Well Shit

Sleep was pretty scarce last night.

I spent most of the night curled up in the golden throne dozing. With the TV on.

Infomerical bonanza.

I woke up for good while they were talking about the Temperpedic don't even want to know what I think about those.....

Right now, as I'm working on a few reports that are due today, I caught just a bit of the conversation playing softly behind me....

"2 bowel movements a day. Gallons of sludge in your system. Foul odor."

On and on and on......

Only I would sit here for a half an hour while they talked about "Old fecal matter" and not even notice.

Oh wait! Now they are telling me if I shit better it will help me look and feel younger......

So - I'm full of shit? And that's a BAD thing?!?!?!?!

I wonder if there's a decent movie on. I don't need an even shittier start to my day......

Posted by Tammi at December 7, 2007 04:51 AM | TrackBack

Please do tell us about the temperpedic beds. I have seen the commericals and always wondered how they stand up after 6 months.

Cause we have just 4 inchs of that foam shit at the top of our matress and it sucks big wet socks.

Oh and chime in about the sleep number bed too.

Consumers really want to know.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at December 7, 2007 08:44 AM

I swear to Bejus, Jimbo wrote a post a few months ago about waking up in the middle of the night and watching an infomercial with some pimpish-looking sleazebucket named Klee something or other, talking about dried up doodie lining the inside of our intestines. So, at least that makes two of you.

Posted by: Erica at December 7, 2007 09:53 AM

I'm with QueDub. I was thinking about buying a temperpedic bed. The sales pitch is convincing, and Ktreva tosses and turns a lot waking me up.

Posted by: Contagion at December 7, 2007 12:17 PM

yes, the doodiemercials. thank goodness for our progressive technologies.

but, honeydumplingloverkins, remember. garbage in, garbage out. fill your mind up with goodness for the utimate in tamminator powah. rock on.

Posted by: supergurl at December 7, 2007 02:20 PM

I have GOT to stop reading so fast. I swear I read that first line and I thought it said, "I spent most of the night curled up ON the golden throne dozing."

I've fallen asleep in a lot of weird places, but never spent the entire night on the throne...

Posted by: Ogre at December 7, 2007 02:34 PM
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