Why do good things happen to bad people? And even more, why do BAD things happen to good people?
But it's that first question that is really gettin' me today.
I got word last night that someone I used to work for, someone who is a bully and an asshole and just a sexist bigot just hit the mother lode.
How does this happen? Where's Karma?!? Why does this person keep getting ahead when good people, that work hard, know their stuff and play by the rules keep getting shit on?!?!?
I believe in "What goes around, comes around". I really do. But damn. Sometimes it just takes so long...........
Posted by Tammi at December 6, 2007 06:45 AM | TrackBackI don't know if I believe in karma, though I've been known to call on it... but neither do I believe in the total randomness of the universe.
Ok, now I'm just as confused as the blonde bimbo... LOL!
Posted by: pam at December 6, 2007 09:40 AMI've seen people like this and worked for a few as well. They use their subordinate’s successes as their own and step on them to get ahead. The one bright spot is that people like that are usually miserable and lonely.
Posted by: Navy CPO at December 6, 2007 10:59 AMSometimes, it's just a long time coming. They'll get theirs one day, believe me...
Posted by: Ogre at December 6, 2007 12:28 PMI hope I don't sound all churchy and all but.... I personally think that when good things happen to bad people it is the devil giving them false hope.
Posted by: Lukie at December 6, 2007 03:20 PMI'd like to think as Lukie does.
I've been pondering this since I found out. It may truly be he dies a miserable horrible death, or dies alone, or has something befall him later. Or something could happen that we would never know about. It may not be for us to see.
But... I have to think it will happen. He was the biggest frickin' jerk in the world. I have to have faith that he will get his. He will.
Posted by: Bou at December 6, 2007 09:41 PMBoy, does this ever ring a bell. This brings to mind my last big boss (2levels up). He told us he loves to break chops and yell at people and if we needed someone yelled at to just let him know. When he let people go because of reorganization he almost licked his chops.
I swear if I saw this guy crossing the street and I were in a car, I would speed up and aim - BIG TIME. I really hate people who act live beeyotches to prove they are better than you and make you do things their way. IMNSHO if it is the right way to do it, then that should generally be tried first before you start yelling. Te best thing about retirement is I don't have to deal with these a@@holes anymore.
Posted by: dick at December 7, 2007 04:41 PM