November 14, 2007

Au Natural

OK - I'll 'fess up. I'm not all that "eco-friendly". I'm not. I don't get it...I probably should, but I don't. NOT my main concern in life. Period.

In THIS post, I mentioned our new line of "eco-friendly" beds. What is amazing to me, is the response I'm getting just telling people about them. They are SO excited. I guess consumers are really into all this.

Huh. Whodda thunk. we get closer and closer to the line launch I'm working very hard to pull together ideas for training classes. With the traditional line, I'm good. The luxury line? No problem. Hell....I was one of the top sales people in Florida with my adjustable beds, so I'll just build on what I did with that.

But this Green stuff? I'm at a loss. Seriously. I'm going to have to study the make up and start reading on what consumers are most concerned about, cause like I said....I don't get it.

Then this morning I come across THIS article. "Green your sex life". WTF?!?!

It was written by I'll admit. I had to laugh. But I read. Still laughing, but I read.

It's an article about having "eco friendly" sex. Using bamboo sheets and natural fiber underwear. Oh, some of the tips were "normal" but I just kept reading thinking "Green Sex"?!?!

I don't know about y'all, but to me "natural sex toys" have a WHOLE different meaning than what they point out in the article. For cryin' out loud....

Then it hit me....I should print this out. THIS is my training class. Take these great tips and go one better. DO it on an eco friendly bed. Be TRUE to your beliefs.

But here's the main problem. I don't know if I can pull it off with a straight face. Really. I don't.

Cause, maybe I'm old fashioned, maybe I've been out of the game for too long, but I always thought sex was one of the most natural things we could do. Even without all that other SCHTUFF thrown in. This is just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.

I swear to pete, some of the "phases" we as a society go through just amazes me.......

Posted by Tammi at November 14, 2007 05:45 AM | TrackBack

Where I work -- a very Conservative global news media corporation -- I had to edit stories about environmentally-friendly sex toys for a recent "green" supplement we put out about 6 months ago.

Turns out, you should only buy products with no phthalates, else God knows what you'd be subjecting your privates to, not to mention, the environment.


Posted by: Erica at November 14, 2007 07:10 AM

Gee, and I always thought Green Sex involved body paints, neon and specially colored toys.

Posted by: Contagion at November 14, 2007 08:59 AM

I keep wanting to uses the word cucumbers... No idea why... ; )

Posted by: Richmond at November 14, 2007 09:19 AM

Richmond stole my comment! LOL!

Eco is fine; I love the earth. But so much of that stuff is ridiculous and I just say 'thanks for not including me'. ;)

Posted by: pam at November 14, 2007 09:50 AM

I'm almost afraid to ask "What will they think of next", because I really don't want to know.

Posted by: Navy CPO at November 14, 2007 11:24 AM

How about "Once you go green, you won't go back!"

Just doesn't seem the same

Posted by: ktreva at November 14, 2007 09:32 PM
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