September 13, 2007

Bit of a Rant

There is no such thing as Perfection. Plain and simple.

No situation is ideal, no person is without flaw. Sometimes that's easy to forget. You know the old sayin' "Love is blind".

But ohhhh when that is driven home, the reminder can be like a bucket of ice water down your back.

I got that reminder in spades yesterday.

I love my job. Really. I love working from home. I love the consumer products industry. I love bedding. I am excited about the future of the company I work for, and enjoy the hell out of most of my co-workers.

Yesterday we cut 28 jobs. Ouch Now, so far they are not cutting any field jobs. But.......that's just so far. This was round one.

I'm new to this company, and as stupid as this sounds I'm not REALLY worried about my position. Right now.

But, many MANY of the folks that I depend on for guidance and instruction are gone now. Their phones unanswered, their email deleted.

THAT scares the hell out of me. I am still learning the ropes. I never really had any training on how to do things in this world. My reference guide was just destroyed.

Add to that we were already struggling to get information. I was luckier than most, because I'm such a PITA most of the time folks got back to me quickly just to shut me up. Now, our resources will really be strained.

Our competition is taking full advantage of the chaos. FULL advantage. They are hitting my accounts HARD, making promises I cannot begin to compete with. Making accusations that I have no responses for. It's ugly out there right now. U.G.L.Y. Ugly.

The glass has cracked. The colors have run.

The honeymoon is officially over.

Posted by Tammi at September 13, 2007 06:41 AM | TrackBack

Oh boy... Hang in there!

Posted by: Richmond at September 13, 2007 08:27 AM

Oh, crap. That would scare me, big time. You can get through this, though. I have complete faith in you, win or lose.

If your customers know you at all, what you have to do is maintain your standards and composure with them and not show a sign of weakness or stoop to the level of your competitors.

Or, of course, you could declare war, whereupon all bets would be off. ;)

Hang in there; I'm praying for you!

Posted by: pam at September 13, 2007 08:41 AM

Not to throw more fuel on your fire but be very careful. You may think and say to yourself your safe but trust me (been there, done that, have the t-shirt) nobody, I mean nobody is safe from cuts.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at September 13, 2007 09:57 AM

Um, you are not allowed to choose your own jobs anymore. Just so you know. Love ya.

Posted by: Carmen at September 13, 2007 10:24 AM

I'm sitting here trying to make lemonade for ya. Maybe this is the impetus for you to get into the training field like you wanted. I know there will always be a window opened for every closed door. I say get out the windex and make sure those windows are squeaky clean! :o)

You are in my thoughts.

Posted by: Lemon Stand at September 13, 2007 01:53 PM

Thinking positive thoughts for you, I know this is one of those things that sucker punches you in the stomach. It will all work out as it should. (What kind of an answer is that?!)

Let's chat!

Posted by: Lee Ann at September 14, 2007 06:38 AM
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