September 12, 2007

Fitness Update

I keep tellin' y'all I'm going about this whole fitness thing a bit different. Different for me, different from most folks, and most especially from someone with a history of an eating disorder.

Now, it didn't start out that way. My first thought was - Oh! I need to buy a scale. Well, after some wise words of advice (code word for a bit of an ass chewing) from a couple of good friends I've marked that off the list. Nope. THAT isn't the number I want to focus on.

Instead - I'm honing in on a couple of different numbers.

My goal is 2000 steps a day. I'm at 550 as of this morning. And I can FEEL it. THAT matters to me.

I'm at two reps of abs and upper body work out. My goal? Four. Half way there....

But the main number I'm focused on is 8. That's the size. That's what FEELS good, that's what LOOKS good.

I'm not gonna tell you how close I am to that, but it's not too much of a stretch. Almost there....

And while I'm watching what I eat, I'm not dieting. Won't even try to kid you. Hell - I'm still working on that very yummy cake I made the other night. A sliver a day keeps the sweet tooth at bay. :-) But I do cook fairly healthy most of the time. Lean meats, no salt, lots of veggies. I've even been using that Splenda baking mix instead of sugar in my tea. 1/4 of the sugar and tastes just fine.

I'm not all caught up in the cardio game. That will come as I get in better shape. There is a positive that my smoking has dropped off as much as it has. I'm just plugging away. Making lifestyle changes, not flash in the pan moments.

So while I can't SEE any changes, I know they're in process. I see the progress in what I can do. I feel the progress when I move or stretch a certain way.

I'm pleased. We'll see where things stand next week.

Posted by Tammi at September 12, 2007 05:43 AM | TrackBack

Is email that I send to "tammi at" getting to you?

Posted by: _Jon at September 12, 2007 07:29 AM

Good for you!!!!! You inspire me... I've been sitting here much too long...!

Posted by: pam at September 12, 2007 07:49 AM

Good for you. I've noticed more the fact that I am having to buy new clothes, pants especially. That makes it all worth it, even though the trainer is secretly trying to kill me, I suspect. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Tina at September 12, 2007 09:25 AM
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