September 07, 2007

It's Just Plain Rude

You know, this latest batch/tact/attack of spam email is making me crazy. And really pissin' me off.

Now, Gmail has a pretty damned good spam filter. Catches just about all of it, so I have nothing to really complain about. Except - some times, a few of your comments go there. And I miss them. Because I get so damned aggravated just reading the subject lines of the CRAP that I just "delete all".

So sorry if I've ignored you. It wasn't intentional.

But damnit! I really don't care if someone is havin' a hard time (HA!) with sex. I really don't. I don't care if it's too big or too small. Doesn't matter to me. Nope. Off my radar.

Except that they just keep sending. And the sad thing is someone SOMEWHERE is probably reading this crap. Even though the same flippin' message is sent by dozens of different email addresses over and over and over again.

But do you remember the days they used to be more subtle? You know, you didn't realize it was CRAP until you opened it. Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't appreciate it then. But I miss the subtlety.

It's just all so damned RUDE. Not to mention the last thing I want to hear about is someone else havin' sex. For cryin' out loud.......

Posted by Tammi at September 7, 2007 09:00 AM | TrackBack

I feel your pain, sister.

Posted by: raging Mom at September 7, 2007 01:29 PM

Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! cqilzjwzapf

Posted by: xreglljpzj at September 9, 2007 08:13 AM
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