September 03, 2007

It's In Your Point of Reference

What I have to tell you will SHOCK any of you that have met me.

Last week, I spent most of my time being out-talked. Seriously out-talked. The kind of out-talking where you can't get a single word in.



And, as I was driving home on Saturday, I realized that's probably why I talk so much the majority of the time. I spent my early life, not being able to say anything.

To make matters even funnier (well, in my mind anyway) I'm pretty much the "black sheep". The incompetent one.

You see, I come from a family of extraordinary women. Women that can do ANYTHING.

Roof houses, build things, fix cars, paint, arrange flowers, strip furniture - you name it. They do it. And do it very well.

Me? I learned by watching. I don't have "the touch". And my family just finds that frustrating. So whenever I try to do something they just push me out of the way and do it.

It's one reason I kinda sorta keep my distance. Because you see, take me away from the women in my family and I ROCK! I look competent (most of the time) and I can work. I can organize, and hustle. It may not be pretty. It may not even be safe. But...I make things happen. And I kinda like that.

Well, that and I actually get to finish a sentence........

Posted by Tammi at September 3, 2007 07:25 AM | TrackBack

Well, I think we all have our own gifts. Ya know? Sometimes they just aren't as 'visible'. You must be better at some things than the superwomen in your family, or just know different stuff.

My s-i-l can lay tile, roof a house, paint the dang thing... and I stand back and watch her in awe... but I'm sure there are things I can do that she can't. What these things may be, I haven't a clue... but I need to think they exist... LOL!!!!!!

Posted by: pam at September 3, 2007 08:08 AM

I think you're very talented in numerous things. I also don't think you talk too much, just a lot more than I do. :)

Posted by: Contagion at September 3, 2007 08:56 AM

Maybe... but they can't possibly have the way with words that you do when you write! They can't possibly have many people waiting on the edge of their seats to read their blogs like you do. As for the talking? Well, we've never met so you couldn't possibly know that talking has always been the big complaint in my family about me. But I agree with Contagion.

"I also don't think you talk too much, just a lot more than I do." :o)

Posted by: Lemon Stand at September 3, 2007 10:19 AM

Hey, I've met you in person and was actually able to hold my own with you. ;-)

Posted by: sarahk at September 7, 2007 07:12 PM
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