August 17, 2007


There seems to be an unexpected benefit to me being home more.

I've lost weight. Oh, I don't think you can really tell....yet. Although TNT did tell me it look like I'd dropped a little since I'd seen her last.

At first I was really confused. I'm cooking ALOT more. And making cakes and pies and big meals. Usually those are evening meals. I'm not getting as much exercise as I used to. I sit at this desk. A lot. I drive. A lot. At least when I worked in an office building I'd get up and walk to someones office rather than call. Here? I pace the house. But I know it's not nearly as much walking as I used to get.

Then it clicked. I'm not eating fast food every day for lunch. In fact I rarely eat fast food. When I do? It's chicken wraps, fruit salads and yogurt. At home? I have no "bad for you" snacks. Those afternoon sweet tooth attacks? Quaker Carmel Rice Cakes. I love 'em.

I'm down to only 2 or 3 diet cokes A WEEK. Now, I drink a lot of decaf sweet tea. And I use real sugar. Just under a cup per gallon. You'd think that would off set the other "good habits" I've picked up.

And I can't WAIT to see what happens when I'm able to start adding real work-outs to the mix. The fact that I'll be able to work out every morning just makes me smile. Oh, I still walk as often as possible when I need to go to town. But real targeted exercise? Yeah, I'm looking forward to that.

Honestly, I never thought this would be one of the side benefits. Last time I worked at home I GAINED this weight. Of course, not dealing with all those hurricanes, a boss from hell and all that processed food does make a bit of a difference.

I'm kind of excited about what could happen. Who knows. Those favorite jeans of mine might just come out of storage after all.

Posted by Tammi at August 17, 2007 06:38 AM | TrackBack

Woohoo! Good for you!! While you're at it, lose some for me, too. ;)

Posted by: pam at August 17, 2007 08:03 AM

I gave up the booze to start trying to have a baby...lost five pound in no time flat. Yikes.

Posted by: Sarah at August 17, 2007 05:24 PM


Posted by: wRitErsbLock at August 19, 2007 10:58 AM
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