Burned out? Me?!?! Already?!?!?!
Yep. I think that would be an extremely accurate assertion of the situation here in Tammi's World.
I'm fried.
So....today is Tammi Day. I'm not going to even LOOK at a spreadsheet. Today I'm unpacking boxes and puttin' shit away. I cannot stand looking at the mess in my dining room and kitchen for one more day.
And I'm going to cook. I'm going to bake something yummy and make a big ole pot of something.
I'm going to do typical Tammi Weekend Stuff.
In fact - I'm so "over" mattresses right now, I think I'll sleep in the Golden Throne tonite. I don't even want to LOOK at a mattress.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Damn, that didn't last long. She's already bitchin' and moanin'. And you'd be partially right. But only partially.
I still love my job. I love a challenge. But even in the middle of a huge race, the most dedicated athlete hits a wall. They just need to run through it. I'm in the process of running through it. And the best way to do that is to do what ever I have to do to turn my mind OFF for a bit.
So, I'm doing exactly that. My mind is officially OFF. (watch it! I know where you want to go with THAT statement!) Today? Today is all about me!
Posted by Tammi at July 14, 2007 07:58 AM | TrackBackCool... Just don't forget where the "On" switch is. K? Somebody might notice.