July 01, 2007


I'm a big Lazy Loser!!

Sometimes.....I swear......I just make things so difficult.

Yesterday I had plans. BIG plans. I was going to get The Belfy emptied out of the little things and cleaned up. If I hunker down, it won't be that bad.

Yeah, wanna know what I did?

I worked. I sat down at the laptop around 10:30 and thought I'd just do my expense reports and head out.

6:30 last night I realized I'd wasted a golden opportunity to make my life easier.

Damn it!!

So - I've contacted a mover. Problem is, we only have Tuesday afternoon and all day Thursday to choose from. I'm booked with appointments the rest of the week. So I pretty much HAVE to get this stuff done today.

But the call is so strong. The call to sit here, in the cool, clean enviroment and do pricing sheets, order forms and spec sheets is almost overwhelming. Getting that done will make my work week so much easier.

Yet, I know if I just get this move thing over and done with the PERSONAL stress I'm feeling will be much lighter.

But I don't wanna clean that crap up! I don't wanna load boxes and haul 'em down the stairs!! I just don't wanna!!!!!!!

Yep - Mama would tell me I'm just bein' lazy. And she'd be right.

That bein' said - lazy works for me. I'm almost alright with that.........

Posted by Tammi at July 1, 2007 07:21 AM

Hey, with all the stuff you're doing for work I would never in my wildest dreams calll you crazy. Its just that cleaning and packing are not exactly your passion so it takes a lot to get motivated. But you'll get there and then you can lounge in the back yard on Sundays and be called lazy.

Posted by: michele at July 1, 2007 12:15 PM