June 27, 2007

It's A Mystery

Last night I was having a conversation with Army Wife about my day. During the discussion I mentioned how I'm really trying to make sure everyone understands my ground rules.

I take Sunday's off. Period. Saturdays? I may work a Saturday morning here and there but those are of my choosing and are the exception - not the rule.

Do NOT call me after 6:00 at night. You will not reach me. I have caller ID, all my customers are programmed, and I will take advantage of that technology.

These are just a couple of things that I DIDN'T do the last time I worked from home, and my life was hell. I worked all the time.

Anyway - the other day I had a client call with a question. I told her I'd have to research and get back to her. Hey! I'm new to this company PLUS I work in the field. If I were in the corp. office I could just get up and go stand in front of someone to get the answer. Now? I'm dependent on them answering the phone or email. Stuff takes time.

So....said client called back at 5:15 that afternoon.

Tammi: This is Tammi.
Client: You're on the clock you have 45 minutes to get me my answers.
Tammi: You did NOT just call me to tell me that?!?!!!

I then went on to explain why that just isn't a good idea.

This is the same client that called me at 8:30 Saturday night knowing I was in Tampa. This is the same client that calls daily. This client is NOT a big account, and never will be. However, at this point they are taking the bulk of my time.

I'm going out there Thursday morning. We're gonna have us a little talk. And yes, I will be letting them know that "this is what I'm gonna need for you to do....."

However, I was kind of surprised when AW, as I recounted the conversations, thought I was being a bit "tough". And I got to thinking.....I am. I often get the remark from folks that they can't believe I said something, cause it's really not all that nice.

But - and here's the thing that gets me - people take it. And STILL like me. I don't get it. I'm sorta kinda brutal. I REALLY don't suffer fools lightly. And if you're rude or lie to me? Yeah, you're losing a layer or two of skin. I promise.

And I'm open about it. I pull no punches. But still......they like me. Hell, I was rather "assertive" during my trip to Tampa. My boss called yesterday and asked me what the HELL I did down there! I got sorta nervous, but told him what happened. He started laughing. Seems folks are calling to tell him what great meetings we had. One of our senior officers even called to congratulate him for hiring me!!!

Folks........I really wasn't that nice. Seriously.

But, it's working for me. Whatever *IT* is. So I'll keep doing what I'm doing. I just don't get it. I'm actually kind of a bitch.

Huh, maybe the world is made up of more submissives than I thought.......

Where DID I put that leather skirt?

Posted by Tammi at June 27, 2007 07:04 AM | TrackBack

I agree with you, you've got to set the expectations and line in the sand now. Because you'll never get another opportunity to do it without looking like you have a lack of customer service. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

Posted by: Lee Ann at June 27, 2007 07:57 AM

You keep doing that. I don't blame you, I'm the same way. When I was working, my time was my time, and if someone had called just to remind me that I was on the clock, I would have had something to say. I might not have been as tactful as you were, but I would have tried, especially with a client.

Posted by: sarahk at June 27, 2007 07:58 AM

I think it's just that people know where they stand with you. It's a lot easier to figure things out that way and you don't yell.

Look! over there! Free government cheese!

*tosses leather skirt into open closet while Tammi is distracted*

Posted by: RSM at June 27, 2007 08:02 AM

I think my words were...

you are castrating folks aren't you?

Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at June 27, 2007 08:33 AM

What RSM said... And Girl - you are going to look smokin' hot in that skirt!

Posted by: Richmond at June 27, 2007 09:14 AM

THe last time I saw the leather skirt, it was over by the riding crop and manacles.

Posted by: Raging Mom at June 27, 2007 10:49 AM

There is a big difference between being a bitchy bitch and being a nice bitch ...

Posted by: Quality Weenie at June 27, 2007 12:44 PM

You left that skirt here last time you visited....

Posted by: _Jon at June 27, 2007 01:16 PM

Keep on with what you are doing. I have a friend who was a computer consultant. He laid down the ground rules that if the client called him and asked him a question, minimum billing was 4 hours. If he had to go into the office, billing started from when he got in his car and ended when he got back home with again a minimum of 4 hours. He had his wife and kids answer the phone and tell the clients that. If the client still wanted to talk to him, the clock started.

I asked him how he got away with doing that. He said that he always fulfilled his promises and gave value received. It was rare that the client needed to talk to him and usually even then they knew the answer if they thought about it. He said this way he trained them to think for themselves and made sure they understood what he did for them. As a result almost all of his contracts were either referrals or additional work from a client. It was also the only way he could have time for his family and himself. I think he was absolutely right and I think you are also.

Posted by: dick at June 27, 2007 03:24 PM

Toddlers and small children crave boundaries and limits. They will push and push and push until the adult establishes them and then they will test and test and test them to encourage consistency of enforcement.

I am finding that adults are just big toddlers.

You are a LEADER. People respond to that. They also respond to clear-cut expectations and guidelines. You provide both. You're right - just keep doing what you're doing! You're awesome!

Posted by: HomefrontSix at June 27, 2007 11:58 PM
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