June 07, 2007

I'm a Safety Girl

I once shared an incident that happened while working in Daytona. (Hell, I just realized I used the same title again today!) A couple of guys tried to mug me in a mall parking lot during "Spring Break".

Now, luckily (and it was pure luck, believe me) it turned out fine for me. We didn't catch the guys, but that wasn't my intention. Actually, I wanted to hurt them mightily, but I was satisfied with running them off.

But - I did everything wrong. Everything. From the beginning - parkin' in the very outskirts of the parking lot, not payin' attention to where I was parked - to the end - talking on the cell phone while going to the area I parked in, then confronting the SOB's like I was somekind of super hero.

After what has happened in Kansas the past few days, a lot of folks are thinking a bit more about safety and such.

Me? I'm kind of obsessed with it.

I used to park way out, for the exercise. Now? I look for a light post. Even if I'm going in during the day. You have no idea how long you'll be in there, so better safe than sorry. (that's especially true with me making sales calls in those stores again.)

I will NOT talk on the cell phone if I am walking alone to my car in a parking lot. Won't do it. Won't. You might as well mount a neon sign over your head that flashes "VICTIM". Stay focused.

There are also places I won't stop at if I'm alone. Rest stops? Nope. I don't care how clean or "safe" they are. If I gotta pee that bad, I'll find a damned exit with a gas station. People. I want people around.

This article has a few good suggestions. Some are similar to what I've listed above.

Bottom line is just use your brains. Common Sense. Oh - and if you don't have too? Yeah, don't confront them. Seriously. I still can't believe I didn't get my ass handed to me in Daytona. I am NOT 10' tall and bullet proof - no matter how I happen to feel that day.

Just be safe out there. 'Mkay?

Posted by Tammi at June 7, 2007 12:27 PM | TrackBack

I think it might be good to have a cell phone on while you're walking...someone to communicate with if a bad situation arises. Don't have to have it to your ear, but have an open channel with someone.

Posted by: Mrs. Who at June 7, 2007 05:11 PM

Good advice, T. Don't confront if you don't have to, but if you *do* have to - if you're in that corner and can't get out - fight. like. hell. Assume that that prick is going to kill & take his ass out any way you can. As you found out, most predators don't expect resistance, & when they meet with it, they panic.

We're all told, "don't fight back, you'll just make him mad; give him what he wants". That's not what I tell my kids. Sometimes you can't avoid a fight & when you can't avoid it, Take. His. Punk-ass. OUT!

So don't be down on yourself for how you acted back then. Yeah, *mistakes were made*, but when it *really* counted, you did the right thing. You were in *that* corner & handled yourself fantastically! :^)

Posted by: Wes at June 7, 2007 08:18 PM

Another piece of advice that I had always heard, and unfortunately found from personal experience - SCREAM! I had a guy try to steal my purse in a grocery store parking lot. I turned around and just started screaming at the top of my lungs. He took off. Unfortunately it was 9pm and the parking lot had no other people in it and if the neighboring houses heard anything they did not want to get involved.

Posted by: Cindy at June 8, 2007 07:14 AM

Unfortunately if you do have to scream, don't scream "HELP" because people don't want to get involved today and will ignore it. (Sad but true.) If you have to scream, scream "FIRE", that will get people's attention.

And I've also always had it in the back of my mind, that if a gun is used and it's small, a smaller caliber gun is only good in close proximity (learned this from Oprah of all places) and that you have a better chance of running and living than staying put.

Bottom line, be smart, be aware and walk with your head held up, look like you know what you are doing and where you are going (in other words walk with a purpose) and pay attention to your surroundings. Dark parking lot to walk to your car? Call security and have them escort you. It's what they are there for and get paid for. Feel like an idiot. Fine, be a living idiot but do it. Don't wish that you'd done something different.

Posted by: Lee Ann at June 8, 2007 07:43 AM

And if they hold that small caliber gun like a *gangsta* you've got an even better chance of stayin' this side of the sod. :-)

Posted by: Wes at June 9, 2007 01:55 PM
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