May 05, 2007

Live Blog



**You will not believe this. The kick off of the conf. is a personal video from President Bush thanking MilBloggers for all they do.

Does it make me overly mushy that I'm sitting here with misty eyes, listening to MY President thank these bloggers. Wow.

We are having a few difficulties hooking up a live feed from Iraq so I'm going to just keep blogging.

**Admiral Fox is on screen live from Iraq. Talking about the power of Blogs. Especially the MilBlogs and what an important role they plan in this War on Terror.

I'm going to take just a moment and make a point. While I am NOT a MilBlogger per-say. I don't have a family member in harms way. I'm not a member of the miltary community. HOWEVER, that does not mean I can't make a difference. Each and every one of us can. I see it every day. THAT is why I'm here. THAT is what this is all about.

Oh - Admiral Fox is taking questions.

**First question is about Anbar. We here in the states don't seem to be getting the story. He gives us some interesting background on the situation. Currently the Tribes are making the turn. They are seeing the difference in the other areas of the country and are wanting to make those changes in their area. It's slow and steady. But changes that are this big, changes that run this deep, take time. **Personal note: THAT is just another reason why we can't cut and run. It all takes time!!**

**Patty from Soldier's Angels (One of my heros) askes WHAT MORE CAN WE DO?!?!?! The answer? Just exactly what we're doing. Also - work with DoD and other organizations to get care packages and letters to the men and women that need them. But they do feel our support. They hear it and appreciate it! They know they are supported. It's not just the bad news that gets through.

**The Admiral is talking about the interaction between the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi people. It's getting better. Everyday.

**Let me just say this right here. If you want "technical updates" you probably don't want to stay over here. I'm not going to try and keep up with all of that. There are hundreds of MilBloggers in this room that do a MUCH better job than I do. I'll let you know who's talking and give you snippets. But hard facts, names yeah, I'm not going to try and keep up with all that. THEY are the experts. But I'll give you the view of the day from a civilian, sitting in the corner just trying to keep up....

**Ohhh!! Andrea Shea, a radio talk show host who is a HUGE supporter of our troops, askes what can the MEDIA and BLOGGERS do to make things easier for our troops in harms way? The Admiral believes that in many ways Bloggers lead the media. The Truth will come out - especially when you have bloggers pushin' it out there......

**The Admiral makes a great point. "God wired us to WANT to make a difference". Wow. And he's sayin' if you walk around with the troops on the ground, moral is good. It's high. It's going to be a long hard road. "But just because it's hard, doesn't make it hopless".

**Y'all are keeping an eye on the webcast and chat, aren't you? You need to.....

**First Panel: Matt from Blackfive, Sgt. Hook, Sean of Doc in the Box, Bill, INDC Journal and Bill Roggio of the Fourth Rail. ----- Pretty flippin' impressive group of guys! "Blogging from the Front"

**Seriously - get on the chat or watch the webcast. These guys ROCK!!! I have no way of writing what I am thinking, seeing, feeling......

**Operation ShoeFly is STILL going? Got shoes? Get 'em over there.....I'll get the info posted as soon as I get home....

**I'm not ignoring y'all.....the chat room and live talking is just too overwhelming right now.

**Y'all know FOX news is here. Andi has done a GREAT job getting this conference the attention it needs....

** Did I mention that the White House has a rep here? incredibly exciting is it that MilBlogs are really begining to be taken seriously??!!!

**Hook makes a point that DESPITE Stop Loos folks are re-upping.

**It's question time. Get your questions to Mrs. G at the Chat Room.

**OK - 2nd panel will be starting soon. My girl - AW is on the panel. All In The Family. Get to that damned WebCast. BTW - can you tell how proud I am of her?????

**Mr. Stokely is talking about the lose of his son. Today would have been his 2nd wedding anniversary. This man is incredible. His love for his son and his committment to our troops is just inspiring.....


**Note to self - write post about lunch program.

**Rapid Fire Roundtable panel. Led by John @ Castle Arrggghhhh. I'm willing to bet I won't keep up but what an impressive group of members.

**I'm tellin' you folks right now. If you can get to the next conference you need to. There is no way I can express just how informative this is.

**Captain Rice, from Centcom is on the panel. Letting us know that Centcom is trying. Trying to communicate, trying to communicate and work with MilBloggers.

**Wow. DoD actually throwing their support behind MilBlogs. It's kinda nice to hear the, if they remember that actions speak louder....

**Next panel - one near and dear to my heart "Support - More Than Just a Bumper Sticker".

**And I need to just tell you Chuck Z and his wife ROCK!!!

**Soldiers' Angels. One of the most incredible organizations around. Sew Much Comfort - another group that does so much good. (huge understatement). We are looking at some pretty impressive folks on this panel.

**You want to get involved? That table in front of this room offers more opportunity than you can possible cover. The links will be up tomorrow. Don't just sit on the sidelines. Do SOMETHING!!!

**MaryAnn from SA Germany just summed it all up perfectly. It's about love. Plain and simple. Love and gratitude.

**Oh - before I forget - there will be a round up posted as soon as I get all the info together regarding the interviews that are being held. CNN, Fox, ect.

**Ok - that panel of women made me feel so humble. How intensly committed they are.

**Closing remarks. Overall - lte me just give you my take.


I'm so glad I came. This was NOT to be missed....

Posted by Tammi at May 5, 2007 07:15 AM | TrackBack

That's nice, but I think the Milbloggers would appreciate not having OPSEC rules screw them over: which is something the President could do something about....

Posted by: Graumagus at May 5, 2007 07:24 AM

Wonderful! Thanks for all of the information, Tammi. :-)

Posted by: Richmond at May 5, 2007 08:22 AM

Dang - I can't get the webcast to work. Is there a trick to it Tammi??

Posted by: Richmond at May 5, 2007 08:25 AM

No Richmond, it's just not a good constant steady feed.....

Posted by: Tammi at May 5, 2007 08:32 AM

You have to have broadband or dsl to get uninterupted steady streaming.

GOsh, it took a man (Stokely) to bring the room to tears. All the panelists are incredible but in particular, AWTM & Soldier's Mom were awesome.

I thought I saw you cross in front of the livecam earlier, and you looked fantastic. So does RSM. Hope you all have fun!

Posted by: michele at May 5, 2007 10:24 AM

Tammi, the back of you looked great! And you almost made me CRY again!!!!!

BTW, sorry I got off the phone abruptly the other night my son had 103 fever and he has an ear infection.

I'm really glad Rochelle got to tell them about anticipatory grief. Sometimes understanding there is a type of thinking or situations makes it easier for others to relate, understand and support!

Posted by: michele at May 5, 2007 10:49 AM

I seem to remember a Florida mattress saleswoman encouraging me and others when we were just starting out.

Thanks for that. You made a difference too, you know.

Posted by: Chap at May 5, 2007 02:53 PM
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