So I get an email late last evening.
Yeah! Email!! And not even spam!!! Gotta love that.
Huh. It's Entitled "I've Spawned" and I see it's from RSM.
My first thought was - What the hell is goin' on down there in that Cabin in the Woods? Then, as I read through, I see he's been stayin' out of trouble....sort of. This is all about blogging.
And is most excellent news indeed.
RSM has himself a BlogSon. He's told us some great stories about this guy they call Viking Medic. I remember thinking he sounds like someone I'd like to know. I wish I could find the posts with those stories - you'd love 'em. I know you would.
Anyway - I was very excited about this news. We need new, fresh, insightful bloggers. And a Southern Gentleman? (And if RSM say's he is, I KNOW he is) A decorated Combat Medic from the Nat'l Guard? Yeah, I'm thinkin' this is exactly what we need.
So I click over. The blog is called The Quest for Valhalla.
The first post I see made me smile. You gotta love a guy who writes a post entitled "Why I Date Older Women". Seriously. OK - I Do. But then again, I'm rather biased, thankyouverymuch.
And the picture on his sidebar is of Soldiers. With a Really Big Gun!!!!!
In all seriousness, Welcome to the Blogsphere Viking Medic.
I look forward to what you have to share.
He's on the 'roll folks. Check it out!!!!
Posted by Tammi at April 17, 2007 05:43 AM | TrackBack