April 14, 2007

Best Laid Plans.....

Well, it SHOULD have been a great evening. Really. Everything was in place.

I had to work a bit late - I didn't want to drag EVERYTHING home with me - so I got home a bit later than I like, but avoided all the traffic. Not a bad tradeoff if you ask me.

As soon as I walked in the door I preheated the oven and got the pizza ready. First bottle of wine chilled and open. But there was somethin' "not right" about the wine. Usually it's one of my favorites, but last night? Not so much.

Oh, I drank it. You can bet on that. But it wasn't what I wanted...

Anyway - I settled in on the loveseat, determined to have a relaxing evening for a change. I figured the wine would make me sleepy and I just wanted to put EVERYTHING out of my mind for a bit. A mini-vacation as it were.

Looking for a movie, I see Catwoman was on. Huh. Haven't seen that one yet and it seemed like a perfect choice. As the first Halle Berry kicks ass scene got underway I congratulated myself on my insightfulness. After a while though, I realized something. Here's this movie, with an incredibly beautiful woman dressed in this GREAT leather outfit, complete with whip, and every flippin' commercial was for some "Male Enhancer" product. Seriously. What's up with that? I'll tell ya, if that movie didn't get your attention, I'm seriously thinkin' those products probably wouldn't do it either.

But, I digress.

That movie finished, as did the first bottle of wine so I started round two.

Wine still not what I was wanting. I'm going to have to make a trip to my favorite winery this week and pick up a case or two...But I mustered through.

Next movie choice was Just Like Heaven, one of the few "chick movies" I really like. Maybe it's because, while not a Doctor busy saving lives, I can relate to the lead character waaaayyyy too much.

So, there I am hunkered down on the loveseat....movie, wine, cigarettes....and I realize my day seems like it was last week. I've accomplised part one of my goal. I'm completely relaxed and not worryin' about foam, or glue or psyco teddy bears or anything. WooHoo.

I get a bit sleepy so I tidy up and head to bed. That's when it happened.

I could smell smoke. Seriously smelled smoke.

I got back up and checked to make sure I was a responsible smoker. No, no problems there. I checked the bedroom. No, nothin'. I even checked the bathroom to see if I had left something plugged in. Nope.

But I noticed the bedroom was really smokey. Irratating my eyes. Now I was getting worried.

I stepped outside and then I realized what it was. Wood. New, wet wood. As I look around the quiet neighborhood I see where one of the neighbors must have been using the fireplace or woodstove. And, since I'm in The Belfry and it's hotter than hell in my room, I had the fan in the window. Drawing all that shit right in.


Now, I will tell you - I've got a bit of a fear about fire. Not my favorite thing. And with there only being one way in or out of this place, yeah - let's just say my evening of peaceful slumber was shattered.

Oh, eventually I slept. And this morning I awoke to the sound of that damned diesel truck next door. As I glanced at the clock I had to smile. It was 7:30. Yeah......it's ok. Today really IS Saturday.

Posted by Tammi at April 14, 2007 08:07 AM | TrackBack
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