April 12, 2007


I was thinking last night.

I've sold steel - yes, even some of the magic "melted" steel.

I've sold orange juice.

I sold personality profiles. I really enjoyed that one, because my role was to teach the VPs and HR folks how to use those profiles to coach and council their employees. How to help them move into and flourish in positions they would enjoy, based on who they are. Yeah, it was fun. Well, especially because I get to stand in front of a group of "high powered execs" and say This is what I'm gonna need for you to do...

For a while I sold those three wheeled bikes. Yeah, those trikes for adults. Didn't do so well......my territory was Alaska, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. Kind of limited biking in Alaska (surprise surprise) and other than the Mennonites and Amish in IN and OH, not a huge demand for those bad boys.

I sold pool supplies for a very brief time. Hated it. Oh, I did well with heat pumps for the pools, but I just couldn't "get into" the other stuff. Didn't care....

I sold mattresses. That was fun. And difficult. But fun. Well, except for my boss, but hey, nothings perfect.

I did industrial products again. Hated it. HATED IT.

I've sold a lot of stuff. And the stuff I did the best in are things I still use. My fridge? Tropicana OJ. Every day. My mattress? Simmons. Bought AFTER I left the company. I use the theories I taught every day in my current position. Guiding, encouraging, redirecting......

The things I didn't do well in are things I "just don't get". Things I can't get excited about. THAT is why I love consumer products. I use the stuff. I know people that use the stuff. (well, except for the whole dressin' your teddy bear part....) That's kinda cool.

What am I getting at? I have no earthly idea. It was just on my mind. I figured I need some room for the stuff I have to do today, so I better get it OUT of there and free up some space.

Kinda like a hard drive. In a very old computer. That freezes up. And crashes.

Damn, is it Saturday yet?

Posted by Tammi at April 12, 2007 06:05 AM | TrackBack

So does this mean that you'll soon convert from your evil anti-craftian ways?

I can hear it now... "Hey guys! Come on down to the Belfry! I'm having a scrapbooking party!"

Posted by: Harvey at April 12, 2007 10:58 AM

Harvey? If that happens I'm gonna need for you to call for the guys in the white coats. Yeah, seriously.

But, however, I will continue to supply those around me with stickers and foam and crap. :-) I'm helpful that way.....

Posted by: Tammi at April 12, 2007 11:47 AM

OOOOOOOOooooo, Tammi is starting a Scrap booking club? Sweet! Ktreva always wanted to learn how to do that!

Posted by: Contagion at April 12, 2007 05:10 PM

Scrapbook? Is that a cook book for what to do with left overs?

Posted by: RedNeck at April 12, 2007 08:27 PM
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