April 08, 2007


Well, I'm home again. Safe and (somewhat) sound in The Belfry.

Dinner conversation this happy Easter? So glad you asked.

It would have been about the size of Aunt Tammi's ass. Yes, you read that right. Dinner conversation was about the size of Aunt Tammi's ass.

Did I say somewhat sound? Yeah.....

Actually it was a very nice weekend. Mama Vi and I got some quality time on Saturday - she sends her love y'all.

Church this morning. Man, they ain't kidding when they say Sunrise Service. I forgot about that......

Dinner was a simple fare - ham, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, veggie tray, corn, bread and home made apple pie. All very yummy. Of course, with the conversation as it was I didn't really eat my fair share. But don't worry! Mama Vi sent a plate home with me. :-)

Mama, Dee and her chillen's, and I all around the table. Doesn't happen very often. It's was pretty nice (well, except for that whole conversation). Lots of laughter and stories shared.

So now it's time to unpack and work on that post regarding Lana's Theme Song. Oh, and then there's some time on the stair machine.

No, not any special reason. Why do you ask?

Posted by Tammi at April 8, 2007 08:48 PM | TrackBack

Well, my ass is bigger than your ass and my male friends are quite enamoured with my big ass . . . I think, therefore, that you can take the entire conversation as one big compliment!

Posted by: oddybobo at April 9, 2007 07:51 AM

I'm assuming that the conversation about Tammi's ass contained numerous instances of the phrase "damn fine".

Posted by: Harvey at April 12, 2007 01:16 PM
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