March 09, 2007


I was HOT yesterday. No, not that kind of hot...I mean on fire.

I got to say "This is what I'm gonna need for you to do..." no less than 3 times. AND they did it. :-) (I'm soooo easy to make happy)

Now, it wasn't all a walk in the park, but what I needed to have happen - happened. I just love days like that.

I ended up working a bit later than normal, and left with things that STILL needed to be done. So I got the brilliant idea to just email my spreadsheet home so I could put in an hour or two to finish the project up, without having to lug the laptop back and forth.

Brilliant. Seriously, I was on a roll.

So I get home and check a few blogs then make a cup of tea. While the water is heating I check the email to get everything started.

Huh. It's not there. Maybe I sent it to the other email address.

Huh. It's not there either.

Well damn.

As I think back to what I did, I realize I saved the damned email in draft form.

Huh. Not my brightest move.

Oh well, I got the rest of the evening off to relax and unpack. It's not the end of the world. After all, like I always say - there is no such thing as a "foam emergency".

But damn - I was doin' so good there for a while........

Posted by Tammi at March 9, 2007 05:09 AM | TrackBack
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