March 04, 2007

The Stuff Dreams are Made of

I'm obviously ready to start cooking again.

Hell, I've got this great set of pots and pans and have barely used them. That's just wrong on soooo many levels.

But I just haven't been "inspired" lately. Not at all.

But I think that's all about to change.

For the past couple of evenings I've had this dream. Now, I don't normally dream at all. I don't know if that's because I have such an active imagination and day dream so much or what, but I don't usually dream at night.

But like I said, the past couple of nights I've been dreaming. About a big ole pot of fresh green beans, new potatoes and ham. Some fresh hot corn bread on the side, smothered in butter.

The dream is so real I wake up and swear I can smell it. I even went out to the kitchen the other night to make sure I didn't have any simmering on the stove.

So that's the plan for today. I have all the ingredients. The pot is sitting on the stove, just waiting for me to begin. The beans are washed and ready to be snapped.

I just love it when I can make one of my dreams come true. Even one as simple as this.

**So You Know.... it's every bit as good as I thought it'd be. Holy Cow! I haven't lost my touch......

Posted by Tammi at March 4, 2007 09:00 AM | TrackBack

Darn it Tammi, you made this vegetarian drool! It's close to lunch time and now I'll go into the kitchen and be somewhat disappointed because I didn't get to do food shopping yesterday.

Wait... I think I have some edamame left!


Posted by: michele at March 4, 2007 11:34 AM

Mmmm...what time should I bring the family over?

Posted by: Mrs. Who at March 4, 2007 12:08 PM
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