February 03, 2007

Saturday Question

On Saturdays I'll try to come up with some "out there" question that just makes you stop and think about something not so important. Think of it as a mini vacation. If you have any ideas drop me a line and we'll throw it in here. Who knows, it might be fun.

OK, here we go - You have one wish. But in order to take it you have to be selfish. It's ALL ABOUT YOU! No world peace, no cure for the common cold. All You. Period.

So - do you wish for beauty? Wealth? True love? What would it be?

I was thinking about this last night. I would have thought my first inclination would be wealth. Ohhhh to not worry about money any more. What a relief. But, then I really started thinking about it and I realized if I could have anything in the world it would be to wake up one morning and NOT WANT a cigarette. No withdrawls. No meds. No cravings. Just done.

Not smoking I would be able to work out so much easier. So I don't need to wish to loose weight. I could do it myself.

While not a raving beauty I'm alright with the way I look. So that would be kind of a wasted wish.

I've been told one of the things that keeps me from being asked out is the fact that I smoke. So who knows - not smoking may lead to true love. So there's that.

And with as expensive as it is to buy cigarettes anymore, I'd probably be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams if I'd just not do it. Well, between the cost of cigarettes and all the damned lighters I have to replace when I forget to take them out of my purse at the airport.

But on a somewhat serious note, it really would make life soooo much better. So yeah, if I could have one wish it would be to quit smoking EASILY.

What about you? If you could have one wish what would it be?

Posted by Tammi at February 3, 2007 08:12 AM | TrackBack

one wish?


I would wish for my family and I to have an interesting journey

Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at February 3, 2007 10:16 AM

There has got to be something wrong with me because the first thing I thought of was ...

The perfect job that I would work at until I retire.

This job hunting thing has taken it's toll on me I see...

Posted by: Quality Weenie at February 3, 2007 10:23 AM

I'm not good at making wishes for myself... I'm going to have to grind on this for a while.

Posted by: Richmond at February 3, 2007 12:51 PM

to get out of Florida!

Posted by: sarahk at February 5, 2007 09:05 AM

That Beloved Wife TNT didn't have to work at a job she absolutely hates.

Posted by: Harvey at February 8, 2007 10:45 AM
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