November 17, 2006

You Gotta See This!

Seriously - you have got to see this.

It's hysterical.

Y'all know how I love our Military - and I love 'em all equally. But funny is funny and this....this is funny.

Posted by Tammi at November 17, 2006 05:08 AM | TrackBack

I have been trying to find this commercial on YouTube, but no luck. So hopefully I can just explain it.

In Germany, we saw tons of Air Force recruitment commercials. They had a good promo going where they showed, say, a little girl outside watching a tornado and then cut to the same girl ten years later monitoring weather for the Air Force with the slogan "We've been waiting for you." The ad campaign was all about stuff kids get excited about that can be applied to the Air Force.

Anyway, one of our Army neighbors made a joke one night that he wanted to make an Army version of the commercial. He said he'd show a redneck sleeping in a trailer and having his mama standing over him yelling to get up and do chores...and then flash to the same guy getting yelled at by his drill sergeant. "We've been waiting for you." Ha.

Posted by: Sarah at November 17, 2006 08:08 AM
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