November 13, 2006

We Can't Stop

I was over at Mike the Marine's site over the weekend and finally got a chance to watch the video "The 8th of November". I can't access from my laptop so this was the first chance I'd had to watch it.

As I watched the story unfold I found myself with tears on my face. All I could think of was the terror those boys, no men, faced that day. And how horribly they were treated on the home front. After all that, this nation still didn't do right by them.

Then I was having a conversation with Cuz last night. She made mention that she had really been chewing something over and thought it would be a good post (I'll get her blogging yet!) She said no matter where a person is politically you have to admire the military men and women and their families. They have a purpose for their lives. That purpose is to make this world a safer, better place for all of us. I couldn't have agreed more.

I told her about Sarah and her husband. It seems like he just got home, but back he's going - to the sandbox. There's unfinished business and he feels it's too important to walk away. Unbelievable. I told her about Matt and his dedication to the men and women who wear the uniform and those who stand beside them. I reminded her about Spouse Buzz and all the folks that work so hard to offer support and guidance for the families of those deployed. I pointed her to Hook's site and told her to read about the amazing pride he shows in his troops.

We talked about how that purpose doesn't leave when most of them leave the service. I listed my friends that have served in the past. And how much they care about this country and our freedom. How they still get so angry over the actions of terror against the innocent. We went on and on. But the bottom line was Purpose. Focus. Dedication.

But there are things that we civilians can do to show that same purpose. Right now, in this country there is going to be a struggle like we haven't seen since the Vietnam War. After the first of the year all hell is likely to break loose. Newly annointed politicians will be flexing their muscles and preening for the media. They will say they speak for us. They will say a lot of things.

But we have to make sure that WE are heard. We cannot depend on those in power to honor our Military. That is up to us. It's a bit easier, with the Internet, but we have to use it. We cannot just "talk amongst ourselves". Our support must be shown - publically. Go to the airports, welcome our troops home. Send care packages and letters, tell them we care. That we are grateful. If, no when the politicians push the wrong buttons, say the wrong things, we have to call them on it. Make it public. Otherwise, as we know, the MSM will not do that.

We can't stop what we've been doing. We cannot turn the clock back and behave the way we did as a country 40 years ago. Now is the time to step up and really push. Now it's time for US to fight for our Military, instead of it always being the other way around.

Posted by Tammi at November 13, 2006 05:58 AM | TrackBack

Oh, AMEN. Now we just have to *do* it!

Posted by: Richmond at November 13, 2006 04:21 PM

Ditto....... Amen!

Posted by: michele at November 13, 2006 07:03 PM

I agree completely!

Posted by: James at November 14, 2006 03:45 AM

Hi, sorry for a little offtopic but a friend told me about your site and it's really great. So keep it up :D

- Laura from

Posted by: Laura at November 14, 2006 01:42 PM

You definitely have my vote, so when are you running?

Posted by: Tink at November 14, 2006 02:21 PM
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