I saw a commercial as I was drifting off to sleep last night that made me just sit straight up.
It was for Zales Jewelry. Suggesting that you purchase diamonds to celebrate this upcoming holiday.
They weren't talking Christmas.
They said Veterans Day.
Diamonds for Veterans Day??? WTF??
When I worked for the Mattress company Veterans Day and Memorial Day were two of our biggest sales days. That made no sense to me.
But this? When did we start giving GIFTS for Veterans Day? Can any woman out there, other than a Veteran - cause that's the only person I can think of who should get a gift on that day - ever get a gift? Let alone DIAMONDS?!?!?!?!
What the hell are we doing? Where are our priorities?
Posted by Tammi at November 9, 2006 05:10 AM | TrackBack"Veterans Day and Memorial Day were two of our biggest sales days. That made no sense to me."
Huh? You mean to say that you see NO connection between celebrating military men and mattresses?
Silly, naive little girl ;-)
Posted by: Harvey at November 9, 2006 10:22 AMGimmie diamonds! (I can sell them and buy beer.)
Posted by: Ogre at November 9, 2006 10:30 AMThat Zales ad is meant for the people who forgot to buy diamonds for Election Day gifts.
Posted by: moos at November 9, 2006 12:59 PMI saw the ad and thought the exact same thing.
I am not sure what niche market they were after, but it was weird...
Another funny one kiddo. And the comments hysterical. If I had a military man, I'd buy him a tie clip with a diamond, or maybe some cufflinks, but then his buddies would rag on him for getting sissified. Come to think of it, you're right it's not a good Idea.
Posted by: michele at November 10, 2006 01:20 PMI thought people bought guns on Veterans Day.
I know that is what I would want...