October 20, 2006

Saturday Question

A day early......

On Saturdays I'll try to come up with some "out there" question that just makes you stop and think about something not so important. Think of it as a mini vacation. If you have any ideas drop me a line and we'll throw it in here. Who knows, it might be fun.

OK - Here goes: It's late. You're lying in bed drifting off to sleep. When you hear it. That ONE song that seems to constantly play in the back of your mind. On loop. Always.

What is it?

Now, I realize that for those of us that suffer from this malady, called earwormidis, the song will change every few years. For years and years and years it wasn't really a song that played for me. It was one line in a song, and I don't even flippin' know what song. Talk about frustrating!!! But right now? The song I hear as I drift off to sleep every night - Copa Cabana by Barry Manilow. For cryin' out loud.......of all the songs..... I have no idea why, and you need to know how very much I hate that song. But there you have it - now forever a part of the soundtrack of my life. Yipee (not).

Anyway - what about you? What song do you hear as you drift off at night?

Posted by Tammi at October 20, 2006 05:59 AM | TrackBack

The Mamas and Papas, "Dedicated to the one I love." Each night before I go to bed my baby...

Posted by: Sgt Hook at October 20, 2006 06:41 AM

The other morning I woke up with the Monday Night Football theme song running through my head...

Posted by: Ogre at October 20, 2006 06:55 AM

"Escape" by Rupert Holmes (The Pina Colada song)

Posted by: Lisa W. at October 20, 2006 07:13 AM

For some reason lately Trace Adkins Honky Tonk Badaonka Donk.

Don't ask me why.

Posted by: BloodSpite at October 20, 2006 08:21 AM

Rubber ducky, you're the one
you make bathtime lots of fun
rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you

Yes, I am in hell.

Posted by: og at October 20, 2006 09:34 AM

It changes every night for me. Last night, it was the Sports Center theme.

Posted by: Sissy at October 20, 2006 10:03 AM

No clue why, but for the last two days, Story of a Girl by 3 Doors Down has been in my head constantly.

Posted by: Bou at October 20, 2006 10:31 AM

No songs, I hear air traffic controllers.

Posted by: Tink at October 20, 2006 01:11 PM

Damn... must be something wrong with my brain, I never hear music in my head like that. Can I borrow someone's musical genes? I seem to have lost mine.

Posted by: Teresa at October 21, 2006 08:54 AM

You guys should make her tell you what the song was before that - I think it was from some musical.....

Posted by: Carmen at October 22, 2006 06:25 AM

this changes for me...
about every 2-3 days

currently stir it up by Bob Marley

Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at October 22, 2006 10:11 AM
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