October 18, 2006

Set it and forget it

Folks tease me about that whole "this is what I'm gonna need for you to do..." thing I have. It's really not as bad as they make it out to be (I hope). Except for with work.

And to narrow that down even more - it's work when I'm traveling. I have this burning need to be completely in control and know EXACTLY what's going on when wherever I will be. Yeah - and that statement even down plays it a little bit.

Let's take my trip to Florida the end of this week. It started out to just be me going over the weekend for the wedding. Then I decided I'd take a vacation day on Monday to spend some time with my family.

Well, my boss told me if I'd make a couple calls down there they would pick up the air fare. Huh? Sure. No problem. So I contact my rep TWO FLIPPIN' MONTHS AGO and tell him to get to schedulin'.


Not a damn word from him.

So, as I start to kinda panic I start to schedule. I'm trying to combine work and pleasure. You see there are sooooo many people down there that I miss terribly. People I want to spend some quality time with. BUT I've got to balance that with the work. I don't like to feel like I'm taking advantage of anything/anybody so I'm trying to balance out everything.

So far this is what I've got. Arrive around 11:00pm Friday in Tampa. Saturday drive to Brandon to hit a couple of stores but most importantly have lunch with a very dear friend. Saturday night - wedding stuff. Sunday - Wedding.

Monday - get up early early and drive to S.E. Florida. Have lunch with this lady and hit stores. Drive back to Bradenton that evening for dinner with another dear friend.

Tuesday - 3 appointments and a meeting with my Rep. Then dinner with LeeAnn and her hubby.

Wednesday - BIG meeting. Huge. REALLY important. Then fly home around 5:30pm.

Now, sometime in there I'm hopping to at least pass That 1 Guy on the road and wave, if not get to have an actual convesation. I've also got some family in there I HAVE to make time for.

OK- everything is buttoned up. THEN my rep calls yesterday with more stuff scheduled. I'd sent him my agenda, he's had 2 months. NOW he's making arrangements. I picked up the phone - it wasn't the nicest of conversations. I am NOT changing my plans. I am not doin' it. I think of all the reps, he's learning the fastest that I ain't kidding when I say "this is what......" Yeah, you know the rest.

Posted by Tammi at October 18, 2006 06:37 AM | TrackBack

Wow. I jsut hope that your trip is everything you want it to be. And yay for the airfare!!

Posted by: Richmond at October 18, 2006 12:45 PM
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