October 04, 2006

Day 1


Now, I promise I will not do a day by day on this. Honest. But I figured I should at least share how the first day went with me and my new meds.


I did exactly like the instructions....instructed. I had my breakfast - small berry yogart and a cereal bar and then took the little pill. Then I drank 16 oz of water.

Within an hour it was like I was looking through a tunnel. Holy Shit. I told one of the girls if I show up in dredlocks and wearing ty-dy shoot me where I stand.

But I adjusted to that. It's been a while (cough) but I managed to remember how to fake my way through that "hazy feeling".

Next thing I noticed, while drinking my 3rd 16oz glass of water, was the metal taste in my mouth. Seriously, it was like I was chewing on an aluminum can. Blech.

Lunch time came and I realized I wasn't hungry. Ohhh - that one I can live with. So I got myself a bowl of soup and moved on through the day.

I noticed I had no urge to snack. Woohoo.
I peed like a race horse (all that damned water!)
The foggy feeling started to disapate around 3 or 4.

Now I have 2 more days of taking 1 pill a day. Then.....we double to dosage.

The weird thing is I was told that when I started this program to smoke when I wanted. Just pick a quit date, but smoke normally up until that day. So I did. But I still didn't smoke like I used to. This parring down must have helped, even just a little.

So my quit date is next Tuesday. Tuesday October 10th.

Anyway - that was the first day. It could get real interesting this weekend when I double the dosage!!

Posted by Tammi at October 4, 2006 05:10 AM | TrackBack

That's FUNNY!!! And awesome. I'm not a big smoker and I even forget to smoke sometimes, but I understand being tired of being victimized by habits.
I had to go to these nutritional meetings after I was deemed "fat and lazy" by the Air Force, and we were discussing caloric intake. Hmmmm.

I figured out that I can eat lunch normally and a bottle of wine for dinner and that'll be cool.


Posted by: allicadem at October 4, 2006 07:18 PM
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