September 20, 2006


We pretty much don't ever leave the hotel. To make matters worse, both my room and our show room are on the "inner" side of the place so very dark. Add in the fact that all the rooms are very small and well - to say I'm feeling a bit closed in and out of touch would be a bit of an understatement.

Yesterday during a short break I stepped outside for a few minutes. I had to. (btw - I'm down to about 5 cigarettes a day while here, just so you know. And NO meds yet!) Imagine my surprise to see a beautiful day!! Wow. I had no idea the sun was even shining.

Last night dinner was a couple of blocks away. So we all chose to walk. It was a pleasant evening, but I was ready to head back by 9:00. I said my good nights and stepped outside. Huh. It was raining. Not hard, just a solid drizzle. So I made the choice to walk. I'm not afraid to get wet. I lit my last cigarette for the evening and just........meandered. It was wonderful. A lazy strool, cool rain, the sounds fo the city. I felt "connected" to something for the first time in days.

I think I'll do that again tonite. I don't HAVE to attend the dinner. I can grab a sandwich or something somewhere. But this is my last evening here and I think I'll just do a bit of exploring.

My biggest concern is making sure I can find my way back. I'll try that whole "go until it looks right" thing. My first appointment isn't until 7:40 tomorrow morning - even *I* can't get THAT lost!

Posted by Tammi at September 20, 2006 06:52 AM | TrackBack

Wait a minute.

Are you saying that you're having wet t-shirt contests by yourself? Without pictures?

Posted by: Ogre at September 20, 2006 07:10 AM

Grab a map from the front desk... As directionally challenged as I am I never leave without one.

Posted by: Richmond at September 20, 2006 12:09 PM

Good luck on the smoking!
I quit 2 years ago cold turkey, with the help of acupuncture.

weird, but I can't argue results.

Posted by: jimmyb at September 21, 2006 09:24 PM
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