August 17, 2006

Terminal's Got NOTHIN' on Me!

Tammi to the toll booth operator at the Ohare parking lot:

Operator: That's $44.
(for just over 30 hours)
Tammi: Holy Crap! That's more than the cost of my flight!!!
Operator: scowl
Tammi to Cuz on the phone: I don't think he found that entertaining.

Now please note; if I could find my flippin' way OUT of the airport and TO the correct parking lot (and yes, I wrote it down, just couldn't physically FIND it) we could have made that one hour shorter.

Yes - it took me a flippin' HOUR to find my damned car last night.

And let's not even mention the fact that I ALWAYS get confused on how to actually get on I90 west to Rockford. I mean really - I'm not a dumb girl. But for some reason that just throws me every time.

Damn, I hope I get this all figured out before I travel with my boss again next month!!!!

Posted by Tammi at August 17, 2006 07:59 PM | TrackBack
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