April 08, 2006

Just a Phone Call

Well, I think I'm finally over my caffine overdose. Last nights lack of sleep was not due to restlessness. It was more due to thoughtfulness.

I had a great conversation with one of my closest friends. She called late in the evening and, for just an hour, it was like we were sitting together, on her lanai or at our favorite bar, laughing/crying/talking. We both needed it very much.

We talked about work (or lack there of). We are both in sales and are both really frustrated that we can't seem to find a job that will utilize our specific skills in the areas that we live.

We talked of our love lives (or lack there of). Then we got to laughin' about some of our past escapades. Damn - if you only knew some of the shit we've been through, tryin' to protect each other from the jerks we've dated. HA! I may need to blog some of those stories some time. I'll just have to wait for the statute of limitations to expire on a couple of them.......

The weird thing was how the structure of our converstations have changed. For years we knew everyone in each other's life. Now - not so much. We have to take the time to "introduce" each other to the new people in our lives that have come to mean so much. And that's frustrating. We're both eyeball to eyeball kinda people. We both have pretty damned good judgement when meeting folks. Add to that we're rather protective of each other and its......frustrating. I need to sit with these folks. Hear them talk. See how they interact. The same for her. Yeah, it's frustrating.

But it was good to catch up. And the timing was perfect. Her girls were out, I was just curled up in the Golden Throne and we could focus on the conversation. No interuptions, no deadlines.

After we hung up - neither one of us wanting to go but knowing we had to - I poured myself a drink and thought about how damned lucky I am. And then I fell asleep, dreaming not of murder and revenge but of laughter and good times. I would wake myself up gigglin' over one of those wonderful memories. While not very restful, it did do wonders for my piece of mind.

And as I sit here this morning, planning my day I still have a smile on my face. It's cold this morning (only 28 degrees) but clear and crisp. I have a list of chores to get done and then I think I'll walk down to Fritz's for a sandwich/beer and some conversation. I don't want this mood to end. I feel warm and cozy. I feel loved.

All that from a simple phone call. Kind of amazing isn't it.

Posted by Tammi at April 8, 2006 09:23 AM | TrackBack
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