April 07, 2006


My neighbors are moving. They are very nice people and have really made me feel welcome in this new town in so many ways.

I am sorry to see them go and will really miss them.

Yesterday morning as I was going out to the car She hollered over and asked if I needed any eggs.

HELLO! Unemployed!! So I smiled sweetly and told her I would appreciate them very much.

He made the comment that I'm home so much more - was I working from the house now?

I explained I'd lost my job.

We finished the conversation and I ran my errands.

When I got home She was at the front door 5 mins. later. With a grocery sack. She explained that they are moving cross country and can't take that stuff with them and would I do them the favor of taking it off their hands.

I had tears in my eyes. That bag contained a frozen pizza, french fries, vegetables, butter and a beautiful pot roast. I could barely say Thank You but she knew.....she saw......

About 20 mins later there was another knock on the door. There She stood again. Only this time with a big smile on her face and her arms full.

Of beer.

Seems they figured I needed something to do with my time during the day - might as well drink beer.

Damn - I'm gonna miss those folks.

Posted by Tammi at April 7, 2006 06:26 AM

aw! they seem like really nice people.

Posted by: sarahk at April 7, 2006 07:15 AM

What great neighbors!

Posted by: Lori at April 7, 2006 07:18 AM

What wonderful neighbors! Let's hope you get more just like them.

I always like to help those who need it. Even when they say they don't. It makes me feel better.
When someone has a baby, I like to make casserole's and drop them off to the new mom. She shouldn't have to cook with a newborn around!
When a friend's brother died, she went bonkers. So I went to her house while she was gone and cleaned it- one less thing for her to worry about.

Little things really DO mean a lot. A long time ago, we were having money difficulties. A client of my husband's called and ended up talking to me. When the question came up- how are things going? I almost lost it. And it was two weeks before my kids went back to school.
Three days later, I found a check in the mail for $300- to buy school supplies and clothes.
I've never forgotten that. And all this client required was that we repay someone else with the kindness.

I do it all the time now. Sometimes anonymously.
If I am in a bad mood- I do something for someone else. It just makes you feel good.

Posted by: Rave at April 7, 2006 08:31 AM

Og's law in action.

Posted by: og at April 7, 2006 10:00 AM

What nice neighbors.... :) And you really are helping them out. You can't take food on a cross country move, it just doesn't work. But the beer?? Now *that's* a gift straight from the heart...

Posted by: Richmond at April 7, 2006 12:07 PM

Beer! Now that is what I call a friendly neighbor!

Posted by: Oddybobo at April 7, 2006 02:45 PM

I love those people!

Posted by: Bou at April 7, 2006 03:55 PM

Now THAT'S what I call generosity!!

Posted by: ktreva at April 7, 2006 05:33 PM

Beer? Now them's some good peeps... crazy, but good. ;)

Posted by: T1G at April 8, 2006 01:51 AM