April 05, 2006

THAT Was Interesting

**Cross posted from Tammi's Temporary World from yesterday

So I just had a surprise phone interview. Hmmmm

It's here in Northern Illinois, and the territory would include a good chunk of Wisconsin.

It's outside selling.

To men.

Casual - no heels, dresses, entertainment. Just calls.

There is cold calling involved - not my favorite, but not soooooo bad.

The money is decent. Benefits Rock.

I'm going to go ahead and agree to a face to face. It's a totally different industry for me. But I can learn.

Plus - it's something. SOMETHING.

So - we'll see what happens.

But I'm still waiting on THE company to call again. But this - it's not a bad opportunity.

UPDATE 2:15pm: The interview is set for Tuesday afternoon. Damn - there goes movie day. ;-)


Posted by Tammi at April 5, 2006 06:23 AM

awesome! i'm still pulling for you to come to Florida, but no heels!

Posted by: sarahk at April 5, 2006 07:19 AM

So is a bra required for THIS position?

Posted by: Ogre at April 5, 2006 08:56 AM

I soooo knew you were goin' there Ogre. As soon as I saw your comment above, I thought "Shit...I set that one up".

Well, you're welcome. And yes, yes it is. ;-)

Posted by: Tammi at April 5, 2006 09:03 AM

Just don't let them know that you check an animated icon on your computer every day to make sure your outfits don't match.... (ducks and runs)

Posted by: Graumagus at April 6, 2006 06:26 AM