February 06, 2005

Not Too Bad

I actually made it home before the end of the 1st half. WooHoo. I turn on the game - tied up 7/7. First thing I see is the "speal" for the Daytona 500 on Feb. 20th.

Son of a bitch.

No, I don't have to go to Daytona that day - I will be driving home from Georgia that day. Through Daytona. As the race crowd is leaving. That means I4 will be my worst nightmare.

Damnit. I'm going to go on line and figure out when the Pepsi 400 is, Bike Week, Spring Break and any other "EVENTS" in Daytona - so that I can make sure I'm no where near!!! Geez.

BUT......I'm home in time to watch the halftime show (yawn) and the entire 2nd half! YEAH.

Come on......let's see those Pats lose! (I just can't spin it the other way.....I'm afraid my Bucs jersey will self destruct.)

Posted by Tammi at February 6, 2005 08:11 PM

That halftime show was the most boring half time show I think that there ever was.

Talk about a complete 180 from last year. Geez



As I have said, don't bet against a Michigan Boy!

Posted by: Machelle at February 7, 2005 08:31 AM