This is beyond sick. This is almost more than I can take. These 2 monsters, had the responsibility to love and nurture, teach and treasure 7 children. Instead 5 of the children were:
...tortured by the couple, subjected to electric shocks, beatings with hammers and having their toenails yanked out with pliers.
Authorities said the abused five had physical injuries to back up their claims and were severely malnourished. They told of being forced to sleep in a closet in the Dollars' bedroom because the couple accused them of stealing food and misbehaving... (More of the details at FOXNews and SPTimes Online.
Thank goodness they found them. Thank goodness they are in custody. NOW....if only we could apply the death penalty - or apply the same form of "discipline" that they enforced....every day for the rest of their lives.
BUT....if that wasn't enough......
A 3 year old child was removed from the foster home and returned to his birth parents. Where they killed him. Did no one stop to think that there was a reason, probably a damned good one, that he was removed from that home in the first place?!?! In his short (3 years) life he had been in and out of foster homes, yo-yo'd back and forth between foster homes and his birth parents.
GO read the article in the SP Times - It Will Turn You Stomach.
My heart breaks for the babies. The lives lost, ruined, damaged, tainted. It's's so wrong.
Don't F*ck with the babies!!!!!!!
Posted by Tammi at February 4, 2005 11:49 PM