February 03, 2005


Oh my goodness....the wireless network is actually working. Quick, a post.

Oh shit...nothing to say. Damn.

Yep. I made the drive just fine. Got in kinda late, but made it. Kinda of funny - I drive all day, every day. I got out of the car Tuesday night in more pain than I can express. From my lower back to my knees. So bad I couldn't go to dinner. So bad that I couldn't lay down. Hmmm....probably gonna need to find out what that's all about.

Yesterday was looooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggggg. 13 sales reps - all presenting their game plan. Damn.....we are some talkin' fools. (some more than others!)

First presentation went so-so. We were really cramped for time, so I rushed it a bit.

This morning I got another one, and it should go fine.

Meeting with the boss is today also. Then we leave out around 3:00 or so. May be a bit earlier.

So tired. So very tired.

OK - gotta get to the plant. I'm #2 on the list of presenters today.

And before you say anything - I'm NOT submitting this one to the Vanities Harvey. ;-)

Posted by Tammi at February 3, 2005 07:30 AM

Wha? HEY! Get out of my head!

Actually, it's not a Bonfire entry unless you would've stopped after "Oh shit...nothing to say. Damn."

Posted by: Harvey at February 3, 2005 09:58 AM