Well, the bags are almost packed and I'm just about ready to go. Well as ready as I will be that is.
Off to Georgia, to meet with the team. We have to present our Game Plans for next year and get our budgets.
I've already been given a heads up that it's not good news for me. Oh, I still have a job, just a bit different, that's all. No less work - no less responsibility - just different.
Kinda throws a wrench in the presentation I had done. Gonna need to compeletly redo it tonight. Oh well....constant change.
The only other woman on our team will not be attending...family emergency. So I'll be rooming by myself. To be honest, I've gotten to the point where I enjoy sharing a room with her. We get a chance to talk and, well - it's just a nice change.
I was supposed to pick up my new baby, Mac, on Thursday when I left. Seems he won't be ready until the 15th so I'll have to make another trip. Oh Well. I've already decided I'll drive up to the plant on a Friday, spend time up there working, spend the night, pick him up on that Saturday and then come home. That way it's not such a hard drive for me and it gives me a chance to learn a bit more about our production capabilities.
Wish me luck folks. This week will be an exercise in self control and professionalism. It's not gonna be pretty, that much I know already. I just have to remember to keep a cool head. Hey - at least I have a job!!!
Posted by Tammi at February 1, 2005 08:46 AM"Meet with the team?" "Game plan?"
What, are you a high-school baseball coach now or something? Geez.
Posted by: Ogre at February 1, 2005 01:18 PM