January 21, 2005

Bad Family.....Good Time

OK - we're working on the details for the Bad Example Family (and Friends) Reunion. **Be sure and check the sidebar for attendees and drop me an email at tammi(at)roadwarriorsurvival(dot)com to let me know if you can make it.*

Dates are Feb. 11-13 2005.

Cost is $80/night (per room)

The house will be reserved today. WooHoo. We are shooting to get the one right next to mine, however in the event that is not possible, it will be within easy walking distance.

Bou and I are working on the menus.....we will be eatin' good, let me tell you!

I did a little "bar" preshopping yesterday. :-)

Surprises are planned....we are very excited!

Blogging has been a bit "shallow" lately since I am really working to get all my training and store visits done ahead so I can enjoy myself. Well, that and I can hardly think of anything else.

So...you'll excuse my lack of content as I focus on pulling off the social event of 2005. The only thing I love more than going to a party is planning one!

Posted by Tammi at January 21, 2005 07:38 AM | TrackBack

Actually, I hadn't noticed any decrease in your blogging quality. Not sure what you mean by "shallow".

Posted by: Harvey at January 21, 2005 08:29 AM

"Feb 11-13" DAMN! That would be one HELLA cool way to spend my birthday.

Where the HELL is the Prize Patrol with my freakin' check!

P.S. What Harvey said. :)

Posted by: Margi at January 22, 2005 06:20 PM