December 28, 2004

Yeah, What He Said!!!!!

Harvey's hot! (in more ways than one!!)

This time he's turning the heat up on Matt over at Blackfive!

Matt is asking about what can be done to fight the MSM. They refuse to offer up the good, the truth. Matt is asking what it's gonna take to change that.

Harvey answers. It's already being done. It's Matt, Smash, GreyHawk. It's Chaplain Lewis, Sean, Doc Russia, BloodSpite. It's Laughing Wolf, Teresa, Mike. It's Alex and Sarah and Cat.

Yeah - it's Blogs. Those Blogs that share their insight, their knowledge, their TRUTH!!!

GreyHawk has a great post along the same lines. And he brings up a great point. Thanks to this wonderful Blogsphere the truth is getting out there, quickly. There is no more excuse for Not Knowing. It's all out there - and easy to find.

It's coming Matt. Honestly - look how much better it is now than even just a few years ago. That's thanks to people like you, that take the time to share what you know!!

And Harvey's right Matt..........we wanna buy you a damned beer DUDE!!

Posted by Tammi at December 28, 2004 08:46 AM | TrackBack