October 01, 2004

MY President

On his way to the debates, President Bush stopped in to offer comfort and support to the victims of Charely/Frances/Jeanne. Florida Cracker has some great pictures up.

Wow - the President was just down the road from me and I was half way across the state. Let me tell you, I would have driven the 10 miles just to stand in the back of the crowd and be able to feel the virtual hug. I know many people expect him to do this, but I don't think they realize how sincere and open he comes across. I don't think a lot of people realize just how much it means that he takes the time to stop, talk, hug, and let us know he and the country are thinking of us.

I didn't lose everything. I'm in pretty good shape compared to many, and it still means the world to me that he was here. I just wish I could have seen him.

Posted by Tammi at October 1, 2004 08:13 AM

He was supposed to be coming here to campaign but decided to visit the more-recently devastated areas (and forgo obvious campaigning). Good of him, but I was hoping to go and to blog it (my mother's a member of the VRWC hereabouts and probably could have got us up close, maybe even a handshake -- that would have been pretty cool.)

Ah well. Better he did what he did. My disappointment is purely selfish. :)

Posted by: Kathy K at October 1, 2004 03:47 PM