September 28, 2004


WOW. Questing Cat has thrown down the Guantlet. And how.

In case you haven't been visiting QC and Jersey Cowboy, they are a couple of guys, in the military, stationed in the Sand Box. Their site is a combination of things, they tell us what's going on (all within OPSEC) they vent their frustrations, they share stories and in this one post QC tears a piece of hide off of Kerry. And I stand here applauding.

A while ago, QC was pretty down. He made the comment that he was going to refrain from voting this year - what was the use. Well it seems he's changed his mind. In a big way.

He explains just what he thinks about the man that voted to send our military men and women into harms way, and then voted AGAINST giving them the tools they need to stay safe.

He admits right here and now that he is voting AGAINST KERRY and why. And then challenges anyone to post a reason he SHOULD vote for Kerry.

Now I realize the majority of my readers are not going to be voting for Kerry, but you still need to read this post. Then do as he says - link back to it inviting the discussion, the debate.

I'll be honest, I've been a little out of politics the past couple of weeks. Not as focused as I should be. However, I watched the first part of GWB's interview last night on the Factor and that started the engine. QC has got me sitting up again. Trust me, go read it - you'll be glad you did.

Posted by Tammi at September 28, 2004 06:51 AM