CBS is making an announcement - possibly today. Brace yourselves, they think those memo's from the 60 Mins II show, the ones that put GWB in such a bad light - well, they think they might just be FAKE!! Can you believe it??
Talk about comin' late to the party.
First I see it over at Smash's place. I'm with Smash on this - will Rather apologize? Will he have a job?
So then I'm visiting Beth at SWWBO and she is talking about how it's all too little too late. You're right Beth, it is.
All this I read while the news is playing in the background. About 2 hours AFTER I read the first piece I hear FOX NEWs mention that CBS is going to make an announcement.
Hmmmm....."breaking news"?!?! Yeah, Right.
And Yes - I'm wearing my jammies!!
Posted by Tammi at September 20, 2004 07:31 AM