A while ago Harvey established the Little Right Wing Circle Jerk, which was founded on these 2 principles:
1) Information found on blogs is at least as accurate as information found in the mainstream media.
2) It's morally wrong to hijack someone else's blog.
He has announced his choices for the First Ocassional Jerky Award, and your humble scribe is named. And I'm in some pretty incredible company. WOW.
Lynn of Reflections in d Minor
Again, what lofty company I've been placed in. I highly recommend you head over to Harvey's, and witness this first every Jerky Award for yourself.
I do believe in the power of Blogs. And I have to say, I believe in those that I read. Some are for fun, some are for education and some are a combination of both. But those that are on my blogroll, those that I read daily, I have faith in. I believe what they tell me - oh not blindly. But I don't have to. They have proven themselves over and over. They provide links and research. To me, they are a valid and important link in the chain of communication.
Thank you Harvey. Thank you very much.
[wipes tear]
Beautiful acceptance speech.
You forgot the part about the fictitious media and their fictitious news coverage, though :-D
Posted by: Harvey at August 30, 2004 08:56 AMConrats, Tammi! That is some pretty good company! Bring out the Gold!:)
Posted by: That 1 Guy at August 30, 2004 12:20 PM*applause*