August 23, 2004

Hey, Where'd that come from?

I didn't have the 2nd asshole when I left the house this morning!!

Yeah folks - it was one hell of a day. I'm just so glad to be back home in the comfort of my cluttered office, preparing to crash in my peaceful bedroom.

Let's see, what made this day so "interesting"? Well, I had a consumer issue to deal with in Daytona. Nothing I couldn't straighten out, except I made one little mistake. I'm so used to giving my Sales Associates my cell number, that while talking with this lady, I gave it to her too!! MAJOR RULE: Do NOT give consumers you're personal cell phone number. She's called me 4 times already today. I met her at 3:00 this afternoon, for crying out loud. They haven't even made her damn bed yet, the order hasn't been sent to the factory - What Could Possibly Be So Wrong, that she's calling that often already? I don't have an answer for that, but I'm sure I'll figure it out sometime in the next week before her bed is delivered.

Then, while dealing with this same consumer my boss calls. Folks - this is never good news. I don't hear from him unless there are problems. Yep - we got problems. Seems my major customer called corporate today to "tell on me". There is one store in this chain in Orlando that hates me. The store has nothing but woman managers and they have hated me since I first walked into that store. Even before I was their rep. I've told the corp. guy that calls on that account nationally, I've told my boss. They Hate Me. Plain and simple. Why? They don't need a reason - they just do. It's so bad that I am ALWAYS sick to my stomach just before I go in to see them.

Well, it seems like these ladies have been busy. They called their RVP to say that I've blown off appointments, haven't done any training, nothing. Oh, and this isn't the first time they've done this. One time I spent over 4 hours in this particular store, when they reported the visit to corporate, they showed 45 mins. Yeah - cut me short 3 hrs and 15 mins. When I've tried to talk to them they have admitted they will lie. They will do what ever it takes to keep their butts out of the sling and get what they want. Oh, what do they want? A different rep from my company. In particular, the rep they used to have - who left to go to one of our Competitors. Guess what girls! Ain't gonna happen. You're stuck with me as much as I'm stuck with you.

So, here I am in a store with a consumer standing not to far away. (I don't usually answer my phone in a store, but I was hoping this was the answer for this lady's question.) I'm getting the once over from my boss who ends the conversation with "I don't EVER want to get another call like this about you - EVER. Is that clear?" Yeah, crystal.

Now I have to figure out how to deal with this store, and these women in particular. It's a new situation for me. Not to sound to "inflated" but people don't hate me. People like me. They find me charming and sweet and funny. (yeah, got them fooled, don't I?!?) How do I get past my reluctance to visit this store? I'll tell you.

I'm calling them in the morning to schedule whatever training it is they want for whenever they want it. I'll be there 30 mins early, standing at the door waiting for them. I'll bring breakfast. I'll also bring a call report that will be completed during my visit (showing length of call) and they will have to sign it when I leave. I will smile, I will be nice. I will take their shit. I will then come home and drink heavily.

Is it Sunday yet??

Posted by Tammi at August 23, 2004 09:55 PM

When I was in sales (read recruiting) I used to stop by the local hospital's record section once a week with a box of dunkin donuts for the cranky ladies who worked there and made small talk asking only of them if they knew of anyone who might want to join the Army. They never did (have I mentioned that they were often cranky). Anyway, after a couple of months of just stopping by they began to warm up and were actually glad for my visits. The day came of course that I needed copies of an applicant's medical records, an authorized request but one that normally takes weeks to process, I would get mine by that afternoon everytime. I'm not sure why I'm rambling on about this, but you've seemed to have struck a memory. Good luck.

Posted by: Sgt Hook at August 23, 2004 10:15 PM

Sgt. Hook has good advice. Kill them with kindness, especially when you don't HAVE to be there.

I can't imagine how someone could NOT like you. You keep plugging away. And come here to talk it out. We'll prop you up if you need it or talk you through getting the cork out of the bottle.

Just stay within crawling distance of your bed once you start the drinkin'.

Posted by: Bonfire7 at August 23, 2004 11:40 PM

In my mind, their jealous. Plain and simple. When women act like that that is the only reason. I have unfortunatly worked with too many women to know it to be any different.

As mentioned above, kill them with kindness. Be nice no matter what.

And having them sign papers the minute you walk in and the minute you leave making sure they record the time wouldn't hurt.

Posted by: Machelle at August 24, 2004 08:18 AM

[pours 8 fingers of whiskey into a water glass & sets it on the table]

For medicinal purposes only ;-)

Posted by: Harvey at August 24, 2004 09:07 AM

Whew Tammi!!! Better you than me - I would've killed them all by now and been in jail! I don't know how you do it. But then again - that's why I'm not in sales... not the least temperment for it. *grin* I will let others give you good advice on this and just commiserate.

Posted by: Teresa at August 24, 2004 09:12 AM

Yeah, really, Teresa. I didn't tell Tammi that my method is to grab bad vendors in my teeth, drag them up the ladder through the roof hatch, take them to the edge, bite their heads off and toss the whole mess to the parking lot below... as a warning for the rest.

Nope, not in sales either.

You had best listen to Hook and Machelle, then afterward sit across the table from Harvey and his whiskey bottle while he pours "medicine" in a water glass.

Posted by: Bonfire7 at August 24, 2004 09:18 AM

Bonfire, you don't happen to run a furniture store down here in Orlando do you?!? :)

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the advice, and especially you tolerating my rant. ARRGGGHHHH.

Oh and Harvey? Make that Gold and I'll even buy!!!

Posted by: Tammi at August 24, 2004 09:21 AM

Can't offer sales advice. Not a very tolerant person when it comes to that stuff!

Now drinking .... if you need a drinking partner, I'm there! :)

(And Gold will do just fine!)

Posted by: That 1 Guy at August 24, 2004 11:15 AM