August 17, 2004

It's Time to Get Back To It

I had some trouble sleeping last night and I realized part of it is that I just haven't been laughing lately. I know, there are other things contributing to that, and honestly there hasn't been much to laugh AT. But I've always been one to understand that humor and a postive attitude goes a long way in getting through tough situations.

So, here's the deal. I'm going to try and get back to "normal" posting. Oh I'll keep you updated on what's going on with Charley. But I am not allowing myself to simply drown in this.

Since Friday I've done nothing but look at, read about and research what has happened, what is happening in regards to Charley. It can be overwhleming and I know damn well it's not healthy. I need to step a way just a bit and try and find some sunshine.

Like I said, I will keep you updated, but it will probably just be one longer post in the evenings. I'm now on the hunt for funny, happy, heart warming stuff. I want to smile. I want to laugh. And by george, I'm gonna.

So for those that are regulars here, I'M Comin' Back. For those that are looking for information on Charley and the relief efforts, I'll do the very best I can to give you a good daily summary.

It's time to open the drapes and let the sun back in.

Posted by Tammi at August 17, 2004 08:13 AM

Which is EXACTLY why I love you :-)

Posted by: Harvey at August 17, 2004 08:58 AM