August 13, 2004

Slow Down, Damnit!

Boy, did I learn a lesson today. I've got to slow down when I'm commenting.

I was over at my blog brother, That 1 Guy's place and he had a great post up on reflections and such. Well my very witty Blogfather, Harvey, left a quip about T1G must be good looking so don't post a picture, we'd go nuts.

I read it and am laughing out loud and shoot off a typical Smart Ass Tammi remark - Shut Up! That's not so bad in itself, but I didn't soften it with a smiley or anything. I went back and read through the comments today and about shit.

I knew I was laughing out loud. I knew I was kidding. But I keep forgetting, ya'll can't see me. Ya'll can't hear me. Damn, I hate when I do stuff like that.

So learn this lesson from me - always remember to be overly sure that sarcasm and teasing are well identified.

Harvey, I would never intentionally be mean or rude to you (well, that you didn't approve ahead of time, but that's a different post altogether). I'm so sorry for the way that came out.

Damn, I REALLY hate when I do stuff like that.

Posted by Tammi at August 13, 2004 12:03 AM

That's ok. You are forgiven.

AFTER your spanking!

[puts Tammi over knee and takes a switch to her hinder]

Posted by: Harvey at August 13, 2004 09:16 AM