August 12, 2004

Very Interesting

This story at Online Journalism Review is very interesting.

It features and interview with Jeff Jarvis of Buzzmachine discussing some points that came to light during the Aspen Institute's Conference on Journalism and Society back in July.

It makes several interesting points.

I especially appreciate the discussion on how, to many, blogs are more reliable than news media - then goes on the list the reasons.

I believe that, because that is exactly how I feel.

When Smash posts something, I pay attention. Same with Blackfive. Why? For several reasons, but high on the list is the fact that they talk about what they KNOW. They have established credability with me. Time and time again, they've said it and they've been right. Not only that, but if something is mistaken, or misspoken - THEY ISSUE A CORRECTION. Right there, in front of everyone. They say it. That matters. A lot.

Same thing with Laughing Wolf. He stays with what he knows. He shows us the links and tells us where the information is available. Creates credibility.

My War is in a class by itself and needs no explaination from the likes of me. But those MilBlogs are sources of information for many of us. Look at the blogrolls of the sites you visit. I'm willing to bet many of us have the same names listed. That speaks volumes.

There are many more blogs that I read to learn and research what is going on. I Love what Kat at The Middle Ground and ALa71 at Blonde Sagacity put into their posts. They outline the research, you understand where they are coming from. Again, it adds to the credibility.

I don't pretend to be a hard hitting, information site. I don't have the time to do the research I feel necessary for those types of posts, and I make no apology for that. My post, and many of those I enjoy are there for that very purpose. Enjoyment. We tell jokes, we vent and rant and celebrate. Oh we mention what's going on, but I'm willing to bet No One would bet the farm on anything I write about politically. And that's the way it should be.

Anyway, I just found this article very interesting and thought I should share it with you. Blogging is here to stay, and a real force to be reckoned with. Mainstream media should be paying more attention.

Posted by Tammi at August 12, 2004 03:19 PM | TrackBack